Poulten & Graf Chairman installed as Master of the Glass Sellers Livery in London

John Poulten, chairman of Poulten & Graf Ltd and joint chairman of Poulten & Graf Gmbh, was installed as master of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London, at a dinner in Stationers’ Hall, London on the 12th of December.

The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London received its charter in 1664. It was initially founded to regulate the Glass Selling and Pot Making industries within the City of London.

Today the role of the Livery Company is to maintain cordial relationships within the company, the City and the wider glass industry, to stimulate interest in glass and all its aspects, to carry out charitable works with the emphasis on education, to maintain the company’s traditions, values and customs, to prepare pastoral care for members in distress and to support the Lord Mayor and the corporation of the City of London.

John had the unique experience of performing the ceremony to welcome both of his sons, David and Michael as new Freemen of the Livery on the same occasion as being installed as the new Master.

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Caption: left to right: David Poulten, Mrs Andrea Poulten, John Poulten (The Master), Sylvia Nicoll (The Mistress), Michael Poulten