Transformers play a decisive role in the production and distribution of elecric energy. Therefore, it is important for the operator to quickly detect the operating condition of the transformer. And to locate fault conditions promptly and exactly.
Today the Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is one of the most important diagnostic methods to determine the condition of the solid and oil insulation and the operating condition of the transformer. Faults in oil-filled electrical operating resources can be detected and evaluated. The transformer does not have to be opened or deactivated.
Invest now in a product to accurately sample the oil being tested to ensure accurate results. Routine testing of the oil in the transformer will ensure consistent performance and a long life expectancy of the unit.
For professional dissolved gas analysis, our FORTUNA® DGA syringe made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass is the perfect product. Here is the link to the product page.
Send us an e-mail (sales(at) and ask for our offer for DGA syringes available from stock! It pays off.